Thursday, March 13, 2008

Saltines and Ginger Ale

Free Day!

Secret Project finally complete: check!

Time is my own again (no calls to wait for, email to check, nothing to write or review or blah, blah, blah): check!

Sun is shining and I'm going out to shop: double check!

I'm so excited about having some time to myself, I hardly know what to do first (napping is the first thing that comes to mind, but not gonna happen 'til later). I think I'm going to head to Target for odds and ends and then onto TJ Maxx to see if they have a lovely purse for spring that I really don't need. I'm jones-ing for a new purse.

Could the afore-mentioned jones-ing be the reason for my persistent queasiness today? I'm either pregnant or about to have a visit from my aunt (as some say, but I've always found annoying). Time will tell. . . saltines and ginger ale anyone?

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